Nature Was Here First

Nature Was Here First

Contributed by Alexander Harmon

Nature has been around at least 6500 years. We could even venture to say nature has been around since the beginning of time! Ever since then we have had to rely on trees, bushes, grass, weeds, wildflowers, bark, roots, and even water to heal our ailments. Why did we stray away from that? We strayed away from our natural medicine because we got too comfortable with chemical alterations of what that plant does.

For example, aspirin is actually made from Willow bark, a very powerful anti-inflammatory and pain killer. Morphine is derived from the opium poppy plant. Let's stop letting scientists cook up crazy chemical drugs that break our body and let's rely on what we have used all along. Plants.

Plants keep our body in balance called homeostasis. Pharmaceuticals do not balance the body but put more pressure on specific areas of concern causing more problems to come forth. On and on the cycle goes until you're stuck in a trap of never-ending pills and never-ending pain.

If I was you, I would check out any of your local health food stores such as Nature’s Remedies in Wasilla to see what great products from nature and how they can all help with your bodily needs!