Two Decades Plus – Has America Been at War?
Contributed by Doug Ferguson
More and more information are rapidly being uncovered daily by the new Trump administration that conclusively shows the financial corruption, divisiveness, outright destructiveness and lawlessness that has been foisted on our country by both internal and external forces over the past twenty years or more and hidden in a vail of secrecy by our own government.
For a majority of Americans it took the past four years of unnecessary Covid deaths with its dictatorial shutdowns edicts, the overwhelming number of fentanyl drug deaths and other problems due to unvetted immigration, the homelessness and unpunished rampant inner city crime, our rapid economic inflation, the controversial standard lowering DEI and “gender” edicts in our schools and military, and much more, all during the puppet-controlled “Sleepy Joe Biden” administration, to finally start questioning years of misinformation. For many of us getting some insight into the “gaslighting” as it’s called on Biden’s health, his family, the economy, the environment, and the rest and finally you get some idea what the role our own government was playing in all of it.
Now, with these revelations, any rational observer cannot escape the obvious fact that we have been and still are in a “Non-shooting War” to destroy our country and it’s position in the world and that promoting chaos, controversy and division through misinformation has been one of the important ways to do it. Who knows what other secrets, scams and such will be revealed as the “new team in town” really gets going with its policy of “public candor” and openness!
The real truth is that there are ideological enemies that actually wish to do this and don’t even keep it secret. The first group consists of the Communist governments of countries like China and North Korea who are already in the act of doing it. They are glad to help to see us self destruct as an international force in the world.
In addition, there are the “Davos One Worlders” who see the U.S. as an impediment to their “One World Government” objectives. Then there are various Radical Islamist groups throughout the Mid-East, primarily in Iran, that want their form of extreme Islam to take over the world, by force, if necessary, even if it means nuclear war.
Finally, there are those of the nonideological variety in business or government who wish to protect their own financial and personal interests and just want their “money machines” to continue whether it hurts our country or not.
Considering the obvious differences in the ultimate objectives of these first groups, especially the communist “Neo-Marxist” ones like China, the one thing on which they all agree is that the first objective in the long-term quests for their “ideal” government is to dominate or destroy existing world-wide nationalist governing and social systems so they can replace them with their own.
The past modern and horrible histories of Russia, China, and much of the Islamic midEast, have shown that these movements have absolutely no clue as to how to transition this initial destruction into one with a system that doesn’t require iron control of all its citizens through a strict punitive dictatorship thus stifling all creative and personal freedoms and preventing any increase or maintenance of their citizens’ standards of living. Their denial of the basics of human nature, plus their rejection of human historical experience with governance and scientific discoveries over time in psychology, biology, and economics, ensures these failures.
While the Biden era made enough of our citizens so aware of these problems that a majority voted for a major house cleaning in our recent presidential election, we still have significant numbers of well-meaning people and groups in our state and country that can’t see this and still believe the all the original disinformation or who are just disconnected from governing issues of any kind.
Thus, except for national elections, we have pathetically small turnouts for local elections, like for school board or city councils, making it easy for outside “dark money” to win them. This is a critical problem for everyone in the long run if this doesn’t change.
Encourage and help your local, state and federal representatives to win this war! You can start by making sure you do your candidate and issue homework and vote in local elections to help this last real chance to restore our historically unique Democratic Republic that offers freedom and opportunity for all its citizens!
Wake up America and especially Alaska!