Welcome to CannaBasics
Contributed by Bailey Stuart
ANCHORAGE - Did you know that UAA now offers cannabis education courses? Over the past year I have been working alongside UAA in developing a CannaBasics course. This course is intended to give a broad overview of a very diverse plant. We touch on all subjects from the history of marijuana in Alaska to how to grow in your own home to infusing your favorite foods. Cannabis is such a broad topic that we only get to touch on the subjects, but even if you are the most seasoned of stoners you will take away something from this course.
Did you know that in 1972 Alaska amended its constitution to include the right of the people to privacy and that it shall not be infringed? That got one Homer lawyer thinking. That gentleman’s name is Irwin Raven and he was on a mission to test this new constitutional right to privacy. On a fall day in 1972 Irwin Ravin was pulled over by a local police officer who attempted to write him a ticket that he refused to sign. He had “marijuana” in his hand and held onto it until his arrest. This set the scene for what would be a legal challenge that would set precedence for decades to come, Ravin v. State.
By 1975 the Alaska Supreme Court held that the Alaska constitution’s right to privacy protects an adult’s ability to use and possess a small amount of marijuana in the home for personal use. The Alaska Supreme Court thereby became the first, and only, U.S. state or federal court to announce a constitutional right to privacy on some level for marijuana use and possession.
Fast forward to 1998, Alaskans finally legalized medical use of cannabis. This would allow a medical card holder to possess up to 28 grams (1 ounce) of cannabis and grow up to 6 plants. This was a huge movement forward in cannabis legalization. While this statute didn’t allow for medical sales it has almost become obsolete with recreational (Ballot Measure 2) it did do one thing: it allowed for someone under that age of 18 to possess medical cannabis. They would have to have the signatures of two physicians, but it allowed for anyone to possess and consume medical marijuana as long as they had aliments that cannabis alleviates. That still stands to this day, if you are under the age of 21 you must have a medical card in order to possess and you may not enter any recreational dispensaries. However, it legally protects the medical patient.
Did you know that back in 2000 Alaskans tried to pass ballot measure 5? This would have allowed persons 18 and older to possess, it would have granted amnesty to those serving time for marijuana offenses and purged the criminal records for many others. And not only that would have created an advisory group to study possible restitution. It failed to get enough support leaving Alaskans to wait another 14 years to have recreational cannabis in our state.
With that all said, not only do we cover the history of marijuana in the State of Alaska on our first day we also will be going over what statues and regulations our Alaskan cannabis industry upholds. Ever wonder about opening your own cannabis business? What would that entail? How do you go about starting one in the State of Alaska? I am here to answer all those questions and walk my students through Alaska Statute 17.38 that gives the state ground for creating a marijuana control board and regulating cannabis like alcohol. We will cover 3 AAC 306 regulations for our cannabis industry.
The future of cannabis is coming. Slowly our regulations are moving forward in being more friendly and open to onsite consumption and new ideas for what this industry can do. Imagine the future where consumption will be permitted in the bars and restaurants and homes built with a sustainable, renewable resource. It is all coming, come get educated on the industry and see what your future can hold.
And this is just what you will learn on the first day of class. Stay tuned for what we will be covering on the second day of class!
Author: Bailey Stuart Adjunct Professor UAA Green Jar COO | Owner