The Community Climate Fair

The Community Climate Fair

Contributed by Kendra Zamzow


A Community Climate Fair is being held Saturday, February 18th from 10am to 4pm at the Turkey Red Event Room, 550 S. Alaska St. in Palmer. This event is designed to hear from community members. We are interested in hearing your observations, concerns, hopes, ideas, solutions, and stories! 

We will have maps and large paper to write and draw on, and you can sit down to have your story recorded. There will also be opportunities to talk with people that work on climate-related issues such as Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium’s Local Environmental Observer project, Matanuska Experiment Farm and Cooperative Extension, the State Veterinarian, Renewable Energy Alaska Project, Matanuska Electric Association, Alaska Center/Solarize AK, Alaska Division of Public Health, Chickaloon Native Village, and others. Handle the equipment used for measuring snow; talk to experts about pets, wildlife, and human health; learn about solar energy for your home; and more.  

Family friendly, raffle activities/door prizes, and free food will be available throughout the event! Sponsored by multiple Tribal, State, Federal, and local non-profit partners. Contact Kendra at  (907) 354-3886 for more information.