How Ranked Choice Voting Is Manipulating Your Vote

How Ranked Choice Voting Is Manipulating Your Vote

Contributed by Katherine Baker


Anchorage/ Mat-Su Valley - A voting system in a free and fair election is NEVER intended to favor any candidate, political affiliation, or designated group. The USA election system-in all fifty states-had a long- standing established integrity known to work fine & favor none. The American people were proud of their free elections. It's no small or arbitrary adjustment to change that system. So 'why' the determination to fix a system which isn't broken?

Direct voting-one registered voter, one legal vote, was conducted on a level playing field. Nobody's political thumb was on the scale.

Any voting system, which favors whoever is labeled, truthfully or otherwise, as a 'moderate' over every other candidate is a rigged voting system. Period. It's not complicated.

Jaw-droppingly, a tilted scale for electing 'moderates' is the reason given for touting ranked choice voting as a success. There must be more to this. And there is. Much more.

It certainly seems in the final tabulation, whoever has been labeled 'moderate' gets elected! That's controlling the vote!

JFK was the last 'law & order' Democratic POTUS. We all know it's virtually impossible to elect a 'law & order' Democrat. Likewise, it will now be impossible to ever again elect a 'law & order' Republican. Here's why-ranked choice voting overrides the will of the voter.

Something is definitely going on here. So let's take a closer look. Is this the same 1960's mentality now working from INSIDE the system to accomplish what they failed to do back then-the takedown of the United States system of government? By the 1970's they had announced their intent to take the country down from the inside instead of from the outside. Almost fifty years later they do seem to be INSIDE the system.

It's up to the people, at all times, under all conditions, facing all issues, to vote moderate, or right, or left. It is the people's DECISION. It is their VOTE. It isn't up to a politically driven, corrupt voter system to manipulate the votes cast and then ultimately decide who gets elected. 

Nor should ranked choice voting repeatedly sort and tabulate over & over-no matter how many times it takes, in order to produce a recalculated result, which resides far from the intention of the original votes cast. Therefore, it's a voting system which simply fails to properly interpret the will & intent of the original ballots. Probably because the people's votes as cast should not be re-interpreted but should stand as cast by the voter!!! It's our 'right to vote'.

Sometimes the voters want to elect someone who will take a stand, even a strong stand on an issue. At other times, voters may want to elect someone who will negotiate in full or partially. Voters have a variety of valid reasons for voting the candidate of their choice. Manipulative ranked choice voting has one primary objective-to favor the labeled 'moderate' candidate. That's the bait.

Here's the hook-In order for a Republican to obtain the coveted 'moderate' nod from the Democrats, it involves 'selling out' the very people who voted them into office in the first place. Oddly, the Democrats have redefined 'moderate' for the public. For example, 'moderate' labeled Republicans are expected to vote for radical leftist Supreme Court Justices who can't define what a woman is!

According to the Democrats-conservative Republicans (the nerds?) are terrorists while any violent group supported by the Democrats are peaceful protesters & not radical at all - (Why of course not. Don't be silly. Antifa and BLM are 'moderates'). 

The stench of this is overwhelming.

Any Republican politician selling out to receive the 'moderate' badge of shame from the Democrats would be following a non-Republican platform & agenda. That would make the politician, not a 'moderate' Republican but a ... (wait for it) ... RINO! (Republican in Name Only). Yes Alaska, Rinos are REAL. I'm surprised too!! Once again, we are seeing a dynamic intentionally designed to divide the Republican Party.

If politicians can obtain their political power from ranked choice voting instead of from the people - then they will have taken away the people's voting rights. RINO Republicans wouldn't be beholden to the voters, but to the political powers behind ranked choice voting!

If only the elected officials in the great State of Alaska would listen to the people & give the people back their voting rights. By doing so, it would let the people know they are the politicians who truly represent them & who need & deserve their vote.

If they can manipulate away your right to vote, then they can manipulate away your right to bear arms.