The 2022 Election Season Fast Approaches...

Contributed by Katherine Baker

It is the season when politicians maximize & habitually embellish their accomplishments while simultaneously, those same politicians, minimize & ignore their previous campaign promises.

Quick to promise but not so fast at generating any action, they usually simply utter more of their words. If we don't start holding politicians accountable AND responsible, they will continue to 'play' the people and the peoples' votes. We have the power to do something about this. Don't let the politicians convince you that you have no power unless you vote for them! Don't let politicians steal your vote through clever word games. We're all tired of politicians trying to steal the peoples' power. if the politicians aren't representing the people, who are they representing? Don't let the politicians scare or discourage you. Many politicians don't want you to vote unless you are voting for them. We are not their mindless, remote-control robots. VOTE.

All of us turning out to VOTE scares the worst of them-those entitled ones who consider the voice of the people, a mere nuisance, which they can ignore. Simultaneously, the voice of the people, emboldens those politicians working towards real solutions, using facts to develop solutions rather than emotional button pushing to distract from the issues. The voice of the people emboldens those working towards genuine problem resolution rather than punishments for the people. The Biden-Putin discussions didn't serve the American people. Do we want to be punished with astronomical gas price hikes, war or both? Aren't their endless hypocritical rants and lectures enough punishment?

We've seen a lot of strange political happenings in the USA & in Alaska in recent years. But none of them stranger than Democrats supporting their favorite Republican candidates who wouldn't support a moderate Republican POTUS but now support a radical Democratic POTUS & his Communist/Socialist/Fascist agenda. Now why would the Democrat base support CERTAIN Republican candidates? (criteria 'appears' to be a deep-seated hatred of Trump! Disgusting. They can all stop with the humanitarian lectures). Anybody buying it's because the Democrats aren't partisan? Most of us know the difference between burnt toast and well-done steak & eggs.

Those politicians, whether they are a self-described Democrat or Republican, who arrogantly disregard the voices of the people, who give the people empty promises and frustrating unfulfilled hopes-those same politicians will be listening on Election Day! That's the power of the people, the ballot box. Don't let power-hungry politicians steal your power. That's the real coup. we are a government of, by and for the people. And this is our country-one nation under God.