Contributed by Daniel N. Russell, MS, Physicist, Cert. Energy Therapist
Drawing from my many years doing massage and various energy therapies, I have started Energy Touch Therapy as a new kind of ministry of touch combined with prayer to help people heal their bodies and spirits. I discovered that, using my consious intent, I am able to move, center and balance a patient's energy, and that by placing a cold stone upon an area of the body, which is low in heat energy, it helps pull energy, like a pump, away from areas of high heat to that area of low heat energy. This finding is in agreement with physics, since heat energy always moves toward colder areas from hotter areas, as long as there is a thermally conductive pathway, therebetween. My patients often report having more power and energy after having an energy treatment. An advantage of cold stone therapy is that it accellerates, balances, and centers a flow of energy throughout the body more quickly and easliy than Shiatsu Acupressure and Acupuncture techniques. I also apply hot super-saturated salt solution to the skin to draw out toxins and relieve pain.
In this era of pandemics and germ-phobia, more and more people have been seeking out energy therapy modalities, as an alternative to massage therapy, because they can be done, without a therapist actually touching a patient's body. Although cold stones, such as marble stones, have been used in the past to relieve congestion, headache, and inflamation, they have not been used to pull energy or qi from places of excess energy to areas of low energy and to center the energy at the hara or tanden. Most practitioners use hot stones, and they preheat their stones in expensive and bulky hot water bath machines prior to placing them on a patient. They do not realize that hot stones repel a patient's own energy to flow away from where they are placed. Of course, hot stones do add heat for a short time to local tissue, under which they are placed. So, hot stones are useful for warming muscles, prior to massage, and their temperature should not be higher than 1300 F, so as not to burn the skin of a patient.
By feeling an increase in heat around a cold stone placed on a patient with the palms of my hands, I found that it pulls excess heat toward itself, and, thereby, accellerates a flow of energy throughout the body, which may increase both healing rate and energy level in patients. There are very sensitive heat sensors in the palms of our hands, and just below each lower eye lid. So, by placing one's palms over a patient's body, and concentrating, one can detect where there is too much heat energy or not enough heat energy. In this way it may be determined where to place a cold stone to move the energy to balance it, accordingly. It is often desired to pull energy away from places of the body having excess energy and toward the sixth tsubo on the Conception Vessel (CV-6), known as the hara or tanden in Shiatsu and Acupuncture therapy, where the qi or life-force energy should be centered. This tsubo location is 2 finger-widths below the belly button. As a specific example, I have discovered, when I place a large cold stone on the tanden, or CV-6 tsubo, that excess heat dissipates from areas of excess energy, and heat energy builds up, quickly, under and around this stone. I use my mind in consious intent and I encourage the patient to use his/her mind to move the energy. I also ask God for some Holy Spirit to help the patient to heal. In this sense the stone serves as a tool to help concentrate the mind on healing and centering the qi energy. I use a single, large, smooth, black basalt stone, because these stones are good black-body radiators, which means they absorb a lot of heat and then radiate it away. I find my stones on Alaska's beaches, where they have been deposited by ancient glaciers, which have ground them smooth and round over the past tens of thousands of years. Most types of stones work perfectly well, though, as long as they are dense and not porous. In Alaska room temperature, about 600 F, is fine for the initial temperature of a cold stone. In room temperatures above 720 F, I recommend, allowing cold running water to run over the stone for one minute, before placing it upon the body. The temperature of a cold stone should not be lower than 400 F, so as not to injure a patient. Do not cool stones by placing them in a freezer! I also apply a super-saturated salt solution to the skin. As the water evaporates, tiny salt crystals form in the pores, which draw out toxins from the skin, and which cancel pain by the principle of counter-irritation.
Generally, energy can be moved easily and quickly from any area of the body having excess heat energy to any areas having low in energy by consious intent. Proper placement of a cold stone helps to concentrate the mind and speeds up the energy flow. Many Shiatsu Acupressure and Acupuncture routines, designed to center and balance energy, take a much longer time and are much more complicated and cumbersome to accomplish than this method. So, one advantage of this technique of using a large cold stone to center and balance the energy, is that it is much faster and simpler for a therapist to do in practice. A second advantage of using a cold stone is that it avoids a need for a therapist to purchase and haul around an expensive, heavy, and bulky hot stone water heating machine. A third advantage is that it is greener and cheaper, because it does not consume any electric power. One may think that it would be uncomfortable to have a cold stone placed on their belly, but it is only a single stone, and it pulls and gathers heat quickly from areas of excess energy anywhere in the body. One can actually feel heat building up under and around the stone. You do not need to have a special gift or talent to help people in this way. So, try it!
Daniel N. Russell, MS is a physicist, former Term-professor at Physics Dept. and at Massage Therapy Program, University of Alaska, formerly nationally certified in massage and bodywork, and he is an ordained spiritual energy touch therapist in Anchorage, Alaska. He may be contacted by email: or phone: 907-444-5647.