The Age of Profiteering, Bribes and Blackmail
Contributed by Doug Ferguson
As we recently witnessed the recent sad, but not unexpected saga of senile and corrupt Joe Biden “pardoning” his criminal son for any crimes dating back eleven years so he wouldn’t have to testify in court on any family crimes during that period, you can’t help imagining what future historians will think of this current era. I offer that that they should call it the modern age of “Profiteering, Bribes and Blackmail”.
Biden’s act was especially corrupt as the President had publicly stated before the election, he would never pardon his son and then doing it after the election and just before two scheduled court appearances where his son would be sentenced on gun violations and for tax violations, both of which he had been found guilty of earlier this year. Regarding the actual “pardon”, legal experts will be debating ad nauseum whether or not “pardoning” a person of any crimes in the past before that person is even charged or convicted, thus in effect “eliminating” their crimes, is even legal at all. It may even end up in our Supreme Court.
Also, while no-one in a civilized society should be supporting or dismissing it, public reaction to the recent assassination of United Health’s CEO does provide a spotlight on the amount of media attention and law enforcement resource spent on the security of wealthy and powerful corporate executives and the murder of one of them. The contrast with that expended on the safety and growing number of deaths of ordinary citizens due to issues occurring from corporate bureaucracies like the health care industry, or, for that matter, murders in our inner cities, is obvious to the average American.
Historically, such duplicitous and self-serving behavior of leaders is as old as humanity itself. However, in this modern era it is much more deadly to civilization as a whole than in the past. In this age of electronic technology, its negative and chaotic effects have increased dramatically, outpacing the traditional positive moral pushbacks of society.
This is because modern communications and media technology have given “The Greedy, Corrupt and Compromised” the ability to distribute both “information” and “disinformation” to millions that can destabilize situations around the world in a day.
We see this, for example, in the instant overnight news domination of Biden’s “pardoning” act and also in his many previous orders and pronouncements that instantly affected the Israel and Ukraine wars on the international front. Conversely, in times of the Roman Empire for instance, awareness of such events could take months, even years, be re-interpreted, or not even reach significant parts of the civilized world at all. Even with the invention of the printing press, communication took time. All this changed when electronic communication was introduced to mankind!
While the recent fall of the dictatorship in Syria and the apparent broad international support for President-elect Trump are optimistic signs for America and the world, it remains to be seen how much of the new Trump administration’s popular reforms can be actually implemented. This, because of the slim congressional Republican margins in the new congress, and especially given the strong incentives of the various amoral leaders in our society to not be “outed” or held accountable for their anti-American, self-serving and self-enriching actions in the past, not to mention those of our proclaimed enemies like Iran, China and the Davos “One Worlders” who wish to see our country eliminated as a world power.
They will use any “Under the Table” and technology methods available for their self-interest. Here in Alaska, as in the rest of the nation, we can already see some of those leaders and politicians working hard find ways to eliminate or reduce the new slim congressional majority’s ability to carry out the Trump reform agenda as it attempts to restore safety, honesty, justice and a voice for the average U.S. citizen.
No matter how it turns out, it promises to be a turbulent time for the future of America!