Behind the Moon

Behind the Moon

Contributed by Katherine Baker

The lighted side, reasoning granted,
hiding, abiding, the disenchanted.
Enduring many changing phases,
healing the feelings each day raises.
Reaching, striving, finally grasping,
an understanding everlasting.
Individuals now united,
realization, wisdom ignited.
With clarity, there's solid PEACE-
when real empathy resides in each.
Emerging unknown universals,
through empathy without reversal.
Together, we share, identify,
experience gained; none can deny.
Truth's abundant, cries reality,
confirmed, esteemed, by humanity!

Darkened sides of creation's beings,
hatred demands for power, seething.
Unknown, unshown, such shadowy arts,
beyond the mask, no signs of heart.
Staging events for our sympathy,
the mystery of no empathy.
Shocking memories and miseries,
of bloated, gloated sadistic glees.
Done to others, will always be reaped,
predator's soul, itself, does bereave.
Circular shadows slant minds and seeds-
false features, en masse, delusion feeds.
Oppressive tongues hurt - while help is claimed,
overwhelming game of constant blame.
There's no truth cries snubbed reality,
led to slaughter, our humanity!