Be Prepared

Be Prepared

Contributed by Brett Ahern

Last month I pointed out Palestinians have the option of ridding themselves of Hamas and becoming an authentic nation. The reality is that they won’t take this course of action and we need to be prepared. Antisemitism is a large, growing movement that has worldwide dimensions. Diverse movements may unify or remain fractured and move into violent actions. My articles over the next few months assume the worst course of action comes true, because it’s best to be prepared.

Western Civilization has played a self-deception game for decades. We pretended high ideals were occurring. Moslem nations in the Middle East spoke according to our views when addressing Israel. But they spoke to their own people honestly, in Arabic. They voiced Israel’s annihilation, restore the caliphate, push for one-world Islamization. On-the-ground journalists repeatedly reported this.

There are over 22 Arabic Moslem nations, with over 1 billion people. Research shows over 300 million of these people believe the above line of thought. Globally, a large amount of people celebrated the October 7th massacre. Antisemitism is very, very real.
October 7th showed us we were severely misled. Hamas is now openly proclaiming it will repeat its horrific pogrom until Israel is annihilated. They promise they will then proceed to kill Jews everywhere. This has been a long-standing mindset in a large faction of Islamic extremism.

The West is responding with silence. Barely any response, any call to action, any of the painful decisions needed. Instead, Israel is criticized because it is responding. Israel is facing the truth we ignore. And we are upset! How dare anyone admit evil exists, can captivate a people, and the rest of us must confront it to drive it out of them and our midst. How dare they call us to relive the solution to the Nazi Germany problem again! Don’t they understand that our worldview has been modified to eliminate evil? 

Like all problems, honesty is the first step. We will need courage for each step. Do know the depth and breadth of action needed to maintain the current status quo in our area? No, we don’t. But we know it is essential for our survival. We can decide to make this happen.

Are we ready to choose peace, security, and sanity in response to the developing chaos? Are we willing to maintain the atmosphere of truth? Will the USA fight for the survival of truth? The USA is Israel’s main supporter and is also the target of the axis of evil. Our profound ignorance of honest history feeds a warped worldview among our own citizens.

I suggest some initial steps:

1)      Understand the facts behind Israel’s response to the Palestinians.

2)      Why are hundreds of thousands of Arabs Israeli citizens and choose to live in Israel?

3)      Previously other Arab nations used to, but don’t now, allow Palestinians to migrate to their nations. Why did they all change this decades ago? What are they telling us?

4)      Value our pluralistic ideals.

5)      Value the beauty of what the USA has achieved, despite its messiness and need for improvement.

6)      Develop public courage. The uglier things become the more vocal our home-grown antagonists will be. We will need to face them and silence them. We need to come out ahead in the public square, voicing truth with clarity. This is a black and white debate.

7)      Distinguish anti-Zionism from antisemitism and show the misrepresentation of facts in both views.

8)      Show that Israel is not a terrorist nation.

9)      The moral moment in history periodically repeats itself. Now is that time. Clarify the message and its calling.

10)   Erroneous world views are weaving into a hangman’s noose in our country. It’s time to resist this movement and restore solid values.

11)   Israel upholds international law and war standards that exceeds other nations.

12)   Israel is the main nation helping the Palestinians in tangible ways, while Palestinians are oppressed by their Arab brothers.

These seem to be the foundation of truth we need to begin to prepare. Other options may need to be discussed later. At this point it seems we need to review the history of the previous German antisemitism movement.

We have a history lesson at the Holocaust Museum in the state of Washington, at The museum has three floors: the first has the prelude that created the Holocaust, second the Holocaust, and the third the aftermath. We can learn how the antisemitism movement begins, matures, and thrives. We can learn lessons on how to develop our resistance. I’ll be exploring and sharing this. I hope others will do the same in this paper.

Let’s live with our eyes wide open and commit to integrity.