Episode 12,

Contributed by Randi Perlman

Many of you know that the Valley Recycling Center is located off the Palmer Wasilla Highway at the end of 49th State Street, the road that leads to the Central Landfill and the Animal Shelter, making it a convenient drop-off stop in the core area of our borough. The recycling facility is open 6 days a week to accept your clean and sorted recyclables.

Since our borough is so large, with many residents living in locations well outside the core area, there are four Transfer Sites that offer recycling opportunities to our outlying neighbors. Through a cooperative effort with the Mat-Su Borough, Valley Recycling (VCRS) and community volunteers, Transfer Sites are located in Big Lake, Willow, Talkeetna and Sutton.

Residents in the Big Lake area can drop off recyclables on Saturdays and Sundays from noon-3pm at 13507 N Hollywood Road, or call 907-892-2400. In Talkeetna, recycling volunteers man their transfer site at mile 12.5 Talkeetna Spur on Tuesdays and Saturdays from noon-4pm, or call 907-355-8324. Willow recyclers can drop off material at 15469 Willow Station Road on the 2nd Saturday and last Friday of the month from 11am-1:30pm, or call 907-495-6633. And in the Sutton area, and communities further north, residents can visit their transfer site at 15625 N Glenn Hwy on the first & third Sunday and Monday of the month from 2-5pm, or call 907-745-0737 or 907-861-7640.

Our marketing team has worked very hard to make sure signage and messaging is consistent throughout all the transfer sites, making everybody’s job and efforts a little easier and much more cohesive.

As the Borough’s population continues to expand, and recycling momentum continues to grow in the Mat-Su Valley, it’s possible that additional transfer sites may become an option. If you are interested in making recycling more available in your community, or have any questions about it, please contact the Mat-Su Borough, VCRS, or any of the transfer sites. Recycling is a TEAM endeavor, and volunteers are the HEART of our team.

This will conclude the Recycling Repeats Itself Series. Thank you for joining me on this romp through recycling’s history-defining moments. I have thoroughly enjoyed bringing the series to you over the past 12 months, learning an enormous amount myself through my research and writing. I hope you’ve learned a tidbit or two about the history of recycling, its impact on our community and on the world, and the reasons why Recycling Done Right just makes GOOD $EN$E…

Thanx to all of you who make up our huge community TEAM!