New Release: Salmon Survivor

Contributed by Sharon Aubrey

Salmon Survivor by Christian A. Shane releases August 15th in bookstores. Going beyond a Middle Grades fishing adventure book, this novel inspires readers to understand their place in nature through fishing and fly-tying while helping them navigate the rough waters of loss in life.

Mr. Shane, a middle school teacher, recognized many students in his school had difficulty healing from the loss of a parent or close relative or friend. This inspired him to write about the parallel between the cycle of life and death in salmon and people, as a gentle introduction to grief and recovery. Readers follow Jack's Alaskan experience as he processes his father's life’s purpose and subsequent death and continues to gain new relationships and discover his own path.

The unique cover art for Salmon Survivor is a compilation of two Sockeye salmon images designed by Sheila Dunn, an artist who has been inspired to save salmon through art. Featured in Catch Magazine, issue #71, Ms. Dunn’s images were inspired by her concern for the Bristol Bay watershed salmon. She donates proceeds from her art sales to The Wild Salmon Center, to help protect fishing ecosystems. Her work is also featured on Bend Cider from Oregon.

Synopsis: Twelve-year-old Jack Cooper unwillingly travels with his mom from Pennsylvania to Alaska to meet his grandfather for the first time after the unexpected death of his father and fishing partner. Over the summer, Jack challenges himself to do something his dad never accomplished. He attempts to catch the Alaskan Salmon Slam: all five species of Pacific salmon. Jack encounters more than he expected fly fishing in the Last Frontier. As he learns about his father's past, Jack struggles to get along with a grizzly fishing guide and enlists the help of a sled dog in his Salmon Slam quest. Battling through grief, Jack traverses the path back to himself and discovers a surprising parallel between the cycle of life and death in salmon and the loss of his father. As Jack’s father used to say, “It’s not called catchin’, it’s called fishin’.” Nothing comes easy, especially in Alaska.

Reviews for Salmon Survivor in the literary and fishing communities have been fantastic:

Salmon Survivor is poignant, funny, dramatic, educational, and above all entertaining. Do yourself a favor and read this book to learn about salmon, to learn about Alaska, but especially to learn about why we fish, and how often that it’s less about catching fish than connecting with friends and family.”

—Chris Wood, Trout Unlimited CEO

"Salmon Survivor is a classic adventure story that harkens back to the wilderness survival tales of Gary Paulsen and Jean Craighead George. Great for reluctant readers."

—K.L. Going, award-winning Middle Grades and YA author

“While navigating a storyline involving loss and grief, Christian interlaces fly fishing for salmon to an audience that will fall in love with the challenges and tranquility the sport brings so many.” —Tim Cammisa, Trout & Feather producer & author of Fly Tying for Everyone

ISBN: 978-1953263063

Price: $14.99