Contributed by Daniel N. Russell
An exciting, new, nonverbal, silent, energy touch ministry has been created to help people heal body & spirit. All living beings have an ability to achieve a perfect state of balance in body, mind, and spirit. Energy touch therapy enhances this, so people may better find balance. Energy touch channels healing energy through the hands from the Source of universal energy by laying-on-hands to restore equilibrium (homeostasis) to the recipient. Such healing energy can relieve pain, release blockages, enhance well-being, and yield homeostasis. So, this may be given for any illness, stress, or injury, as complementary therapy.
Using conscious intent, I am able to move, center and balance a patient's energy. Placing a cold stone upon an area of the body low in energy, actually attracts energy away from areas of high heat to that area of low heat energy. From basic physics we know that heat energy always moves from hotter areas to cooler areas, as long as a thermally conductive pathway exists. Recipients often report having more power, after energy treatments. Cold stone therapy balances and centers a flow of energy throughout the body more quickly and easily than Shiatsu Acupressure and Acupuncture techniques. I also apply a hot super-saturated salt solution to the skin to draw out toxins, relieve pain, and smooth the skin.
Although cold stones, have been used in the past to relieve congestion, headache, and inflammation, they have never been used to my knowledge to pull energy (qi) from places of excess energy to areas of low energy, and to center the energy at the tanden (hara).
Practical application: We are all endowed with sensitive heat sensors in the palms of our hands. So, by laying hands over a patient's body, one can feel where there is too much heat energy or not enough energy. So, I determine where to place a cold stone to move and balance energy. It is often desired to pull energy away from places of the body having excess energy and toward the sixth tsubo on the Conception Vessel, CV-6, also known as hara or tanden, located 2 finger-widths below the belly button, where the life-force energy (qi) should be centered. In practice, when I place a cold stone on the tanden (CV-6 tsubo), excess heat dissipates from areas of excess energy, and heat energy builds up, quickly, under and around this stone. I use my mind in conscious intent and I encourage the patient to use their mind, also, to move the energy. I, also, ask God for Holy Spirit to help the patient to heal. So, the stone serves as a tool to help concentrate the mind on healing and on centering the qi energy. I use a single, large, smooth, basalt stone, because these stones absorb a lot of heat. In Alaska room temperature, about 60 F, is fine for the initial temperature of a cold stone. In room temperatures above 72 F, one should run cold water over the stone for one minute, before placing it upon a patient. The temperature of a cold stone should not be lower than 40 F.
Do not cool stones by placing them in a freezer! I mentioned, above, I also apply a super-saturated salt solution to the skin. This solution is made by adding 33% sea salt and 66% Epsom salt to water, until no more will go into solution, and then heating it. As water evaporates from this solution, tiny salt crystals form in the pores, which draw out toxins from the skin, smooth the skin, and which cancel pain by the principle of counter-irritation. Lotions and oils may be applied, thereafter, to reduce excess irritation and sooth the skin. I do not charge any compensation for this therapy. [Cautionary Note: salt should not be used on broken or diseased skin.]
Conclusion: Energy can be moved easily and quickly from any area of the body having excess heat energy to any areas having low in energy by conscious intent. Proper placement of a cold stone and of the hands help concentrate the mind and speed up energy flow. This is fast and simple to do! One may think that it would be uncomfortable to have a cold stone placed on their belly, but it pulls and gathers heat quickly from areas of excess energy. One can actually feel heat building up under and around the stone. It is also surprising to most people, how smoothly hot super-saturated salt solution glides over the skin. You do not need to be professionally licensed or gifted to help people this way. Try it!
Biography: Daniel N. Russell, MS is former Term-professor, Physics Dept., University of Alaska, Nationally certified in 1997 in massage & bodywork, Ordained energy touch therapist, and may be contacted at 907-444-5647 or email: