Did You Get Left In the Cold This Winter?
Contributed by Frankie Allen
Thousands of Alaskans are without power each winter due to heavy snow and high winter winds. If your home heat is electric or has electric controls, it’s imperative to have back up power. Without it, you’ve got a life safety concern.
However, as we approach summer, thoughts of warm sunshine pull us away from finding a solution to our winter concerns. In a couple of short weeks, we’ll be warm and won’t be worried about losing power and having our pipes freeze, damaging our homes. Thousands of Alaskans will still lose power this summer, too, though, and that brings on a whole new bevy of concerns: keeping our food fresh. Everyone has a refrigerator that runs on electricity. Depending on how hot your home is, food can start to spoil within as few as four hours.
In order to meet the needs of the Valley, we needed a dealer who was capable of honoring the Generac warranty with a factory certified technician. We contacted Generac and researched whether they would be a partner we could trust, and what it would take to become factory trained and certified to install and maintain your Generac generators.
What we discovered is that Generac has a lot of information, is easy to get a hold of, and is wonderful to work with. They're fantastic partners. We have one technician who’s factory certified to maintain and warranty your Generac generator and we’ve scheduled more to go through the certification process later this spring.
We’re also able to provide you with the Generac generator that meets your needs. There’s a lot of questions when it comes to sizing your generator. How big of a generator do I need? What will I be able to power? Where will it need to be? And will it add equity to my home?
We can help you with that. With a quick home consultation, we can review the sizing requirements for your generator, discuss how much it’ll cost, and decide on the best option for you. We’re also partnering with select mechanical contractors to provide you with the complete package you need without the worry or distractions.
And, yes. Adding a whole home standby generator does add equity to your home.
Don’t wait until you’re left in the cold or your moose or salmon starts to spoil in your refrigerator. Give us a call and ask us to sit down with you to review what size generator you need. If you need your current generator to be maintained, give us a call, let us know what type of generator you need, and we’ll get you on the schedule for a complete generator maintenance.
We, at All Phase Electric, create the right solution for your needs. Find out more on our website, https://allphaseelectricak.com/generators/, or contact Frankie at (907) 376-1200.