StrongFirst Kettle Bell Workshop Coming to Denali Fitness
Contributed by Nate Kelsey
We’ve all heard about "weight lifting" and the many health benefits from doing it, but what image does "lifting weights" conjure up in your mind? Big sweaty men grunting and groaning while they heave heavy weight in unnatural repetitive movement patterns in a stinky gym?
I’d like to offer a different viewpoint of "working out" with weights, and more specifically building strength. First, I’d like you to consider Strength as a "Skill," not some mindless motion of endless reps, getting "pumped," or getting "smoked" while under load. "Strength has a greater purpose" is the mantra of, The School of Strength. What makes them different? In one word; Kettlebells. So, what is a "Kettlebell"? The short definition is "The Extreme Handheld Gym." The longer definition can be found below. Hand Held Gym speaks volumes by itself, but why extreme? It’s the noticeable results in your strength, not only by you but others. Now, I’ll address some of your objections. They may sound something like "I’m too old," "I’m not flexible," "I’ve had surgeries," "I haven’t exercised in years," "I heard you can get 'hurt' using those," "Can those help you lose weight?," "What’s a kettleball?" etc.
I can address all of those concerns with my personal experience. I am 64 years young. I have used kettlebells to recover from numerous major surgeries. Before professional instruction, I injured myself employing the tool incorrectly. So, how can you get world-class instruction? By attending StrongFirst kettlebell workshop May 4th and 5th! We have Master Instructor Shaun Cairns traveling from South Africa to train Alaskans here in the Matsu! (Sign up here hyperlink)
We will be conducting the workshop at Denali Fitness in Wasilla. The classes start at 12:00 and run to 16:00 each day for 2 days only this year! On Saturday the 4th, Kettlebell 101 will teach you the exercise known as the Get Up and also the Swing. Sunday the 5th, Kettlebell 201 teaches the Press, Clean, and Snatch exercises.
It doesn’t matter if you’re a special operator in the local ParaRescue squadron, or a homemaker, or first responder, kettlebells meet you where you are physically and then increase your strength. I spent over $5,000 traveling to Chicago with my wife and son to attend a 3-day instructor event in 2022. You will get 90% of that content but also 100% of the instruction on proper movement patterns in these two workshops, for $200. That’s correct, 4 hours of world-class instruction for $25 an hour. Believe me when I say it is life-changing.
Don’t delay, class size is limited! If your gym, group, or tribe desires private instruction, please inquire. Minimum 10 attendees.