Kuspuks - An Alaskan Fashion Statement

Contributed by Charice Chambers -
They are all the products of Bobbi Lewis, an Alaskan designer who lives near Talkeetna. Trained as a fashion designer, Bobbi, who found herself in Alaska, spent a number of years as a home economics teacher. She joined the Family and Community Education club, and soon was involved in selling tickets at many Palmer events, including parades and the annual Colony Christmas winter carnival.

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The War for Passive Acceptance

Contributed by Taylor Jordan -
By my natural character foundation and my prior military and law-enforcement experience, I’m a warrior. That’s not meant to induce a threat or sound combative, it’s meant to describe a person who will never stand for discrimination or bullying. Someone who will pick up the pieces of their fellow man and help them improve their quality of life.

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Kill ‘Em With Kindness

Contributed by Vic Kohring -
"Kill 'em with kindness." Charisse Millette, my former staff assistant and future legislator used to say this when encountering rude and difficult people in my Juneau office years ago. Instead of challenging or arguing with a constituent, Charisse would remain polite and respectful, and not give in to the temptation of fighting back simply for the sake of winning an argument.

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Blossoms and Gloom

Contributed by Mary Wessling -
Tumbling through my tumultuous tomb,
created from the melancholy of my mental womb,
I feel as though the weight of darkness will eternally loom
and its inescapable cold grasp will squeeze my residual joy into vacuous doom.

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Big Ideas for Positive Parenting

Contributed by Rabbi Mendy Greenberg -
In 1978, in recognition of his efforts, the Rebbe’s birthday was established by the US Congress and president as “Education and Sharing Day USA”. This national day has been celebrated every year for the past four decades, to raise awareness and strengthen education.

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Alaska Gets a Sneak ‘Peak’

Contributed by Michael B. Dillon -
Wrapped in plastic and thrown from a plane into a rural Alaskan lake would usually mean the end of the story. For Bailey (Kitty Mahony), it’s just the beginning. Waking naked, battered and horrifically traumatized, she finds herself trapped in a secluded cabin somewhere in the wilds of Alaska. Her only company, Jack (Kevin Bennett), is a hard-nosed man of few words who makes no question of his desire to be left alone.

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Physical vs. Digital Music

Contributed by Sharon Aubrey -
Last year there was an interesting trend in the music industry. Physical albums such as vinyl and CDs sold better than digital downloads. In 2017, digital downloads decreased by 25%, according to RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America). Ironically, this is good news for local musicians and bands trying to build audiences and increase sales.

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Spring for the Birds!

Contributed by Carol Fritz -
Since 2007, Alaska WildBird Rehabilitation Center (AWBRC) has been providing quality care for injured, orphaned or sick wild birds from the Mat-Su Valley throughout Alaska. Birds cared for range from the tiniest featherless baby sparrow to adult eagles.

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Self-Sustainability for Alaska

Contributed by Sara Williams -
It was recently brought to my attention that the Governor’s proposed budget guts the Division of Agriculture funding and reverses all funding for writing regulations that will govern the hemp industry in Alaska. First, let’s discuss our reality here in Alaska. We are at least 90% dependent on barges and air freight to bring in the goods and commodities that we enjoy in our lives but more importantly the food…

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Contributed by Susan Fujimoto -
It is recommended that Kinley has a dog-to-dog introduction to any other dogs at home, but regardless of how well her introduction is, she will still need a proper slow introduction at her new home.

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Van Gogh

Contributed by Kelleigh Orthmann -
Van Gogh was obviously someone's kitty at one time. But he was either abandoned or lost and spent the last few years camping under a porch and scavenging for food. A lady was able to trap him after feeding him for a year.

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